Happy Valentine’s Day with lots of love.
Happy Valentine’s Day with lots of love.
バランガイ・ロサンゼルスのエンチャイルド・ユースによる「Project Alight」実施リポート
チーム名:Team SUGA(光)
その後、「Happy One Family」の曲で子どもたちとダンスを一緒に踊りました。彼らは進んで参加してくれました。子どもたちが自信を持って一緒に踊ってくれたので、とても楽しかったです。
その後、2015年にバランガイ・マサオの会場で行われたスタディーツアーで日本のエンチャイルドの皆さんが紹介してくれた、「人生の夢を絵に描く」プログラム(Dream Project)を行いました。
全体を振り返り、プロジェクトを無事実施できたことを私たちはうれしく思っています。私たちのプロジェクト名は、ALIGHT (アライト)と呼びます。これは A Life Into Giving「光を照らすプロジェクト/与える生活をする、幸せと感謝を広げる」の略です。
It was the last Sunday of October when we, the beneficiaries and ENCHILD Youth of Brgy. Los Angeles was given a chance to fulfill and show the legacy that the ENCHILD Family taught us. We didn't expect that we are chosen to do our parts accordingly because all we remember at that time was we did our best to propose and initiate a project to lighten and strengthen the spirit of Christmas. And we cannot help to be overwhelmed because finally, we can do what we are supposed to do as members of ENCHILD.
Supposedly our chosen date to do the project was before Christmas, December 22 and 23, but due to some underlying factors, our project was delayed by a week because most of us were not free at that time. Then we moved our project on December 30 and 31, since most of us could participate at that time. We started our preparation last December 29, 2022; we went to the city to buy groceries, presents, and gifts for the families and the children. Afterward, we went home, and altogether we repacked the goods and put them in the eco bags and small gift packs.
At exactly 4:30 PM on the 30th of December last year, we agreed to meet at Ms. Fernandez's house since their house is a walking distance of our chosen place for our project. And as we were already in the quorum, we prayed together, brought the presents., and started walking. The sun at that time is starting to set down, and since Purok 16 barely had access to electricity, darkness enveloped our paths. As we went throughout the night and finished our serenade or caroling to ten respective families, we came to the same reaction and realization. Some of the families that we've chosen don't have electricity. Some live on a hillside that is prone to landslides. Some live in shabby houses or poorly conditioned homes. There is also a family with 20 members living in a small, spaced house. There are two pregnant teenagers, a farmer, and parents. As we went house by house, family by family, we felt and saw how cruel their life was and how hard they worked just to provide all the basic needs they needed every day.
But the thing that amazes us, despite the things that they'd gone through, they never stop smiling. As we started singing and giving our message, some cried, some were overjoyed, and all of them welcomed us undoubtingly. And we kept on talking, and unknowingly they shared and opened up their life stories and aspirations; and gave us words of wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement. Even though our legs were starting to hurt because of walking, and even when our voices were already hoarse because of singing aloud, our tiredness was suddenly relieved every time we saw a glimpse of their smiles and how much they thanked us and the ENCHILD Family for the gifts they received that night. Hereafter, we rested for a while, and at exactly 7:00 PM we started walking our way home; then slept the night away with fulfillment and contentment, and that was the end of the first part of Project Alight.
As another morning came on New Year's Eve, December 31, 2022, from 9:30 AM - 11:30
AM, as fast as possible we prepared everything, and when we finally arrived there, we were welcomed by the excited children and offered help with our things. After a few walks, we reached the top of a hill where a small hut was situated and there will be the venue of our project's second part. Then a couple of minutes later, as we reached the quorum, we started our mini-program. First, we prayed, and then sang the Philippines' National Anthem. Next, Hannah Jane gave the statement of purpose, where she explained and oriented the children about the objectives of the said project and even about ENCHILD. After that, we danced to the song "Happy One Family," and it was very fun because the children willingly joined us and danced with us confidently.
Later on, we made an activity, just like what ENCHILD Family introduced to us in Masao Study Tour a couple of years way back - where we were asked to draw our dreams in life. But in our activity, instead of drawing it, we decided to make a paper plane origami and write their dreams on the paper plane. Subsequently, we, the ENCHILD beneficiaries scattered throughout the children and taught them how to make the paper plane. At first, it was hard because they kept on calling us left and right, but rather than losing patience, you will see their excitement and dedication right in their eyes to the said activity, especially how passionate they are about showing and sharing their dreams with us. Then, later on, we went outside and in our count we let our paper planes fly in the air, which symbolizes that no matter what your status in life or whoever you are, we have the right to reach our dreams, follow our dreams and make it into reality. And the rest was we played a lot of games and sang a lot of Christmas songs in the entire morning, and afterward, we gave them presents or gifts, and lastly, we ate together happily. And before we leave, we encouraged them to study hard and never cease on believing on themselves, and that was the end of the second part of Project Alight.
Overall, we are so happy that our project is already finished. We know that our project name stands for ALIGHT - A Life Into Giving: Spreading Happiness and Thankfulness, and we really do hope and pray that the ten chosen families including the forty children will live gratefully and choose to be happy and rejoiceful always despite all the hurdles that they're experiencing on this world. But the most important part of this project is that we also gained a moral lesson and help a lot of people as well. With this, we are happy to inform all the members of the ENCHILD Family, that Project 'ALIGHT' ends successfully, and your utmost support for this project is worthwhile and assuredly not a waste. Thank you very much for trusting us and this project, we are hoping to see you soon, and God bless us all!
【イベント名】エンチャイルド奨学生によるクリスマス・プロジェクト オンライン報告会
【参加方法】オンライン(参加ご希望のかたは、info@enchild.org までご一報ください)
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